Well, it's been a couple of days for me. Between working and sleeping, that's about all that I've been doing. I do need to put down one little story of temptation and a story of success on here though, just to keep me remembering.
I started my new "menu" and I really have to tell you, if you decide to do this program and you are hungry, it's your fault. When I was making my lunches I was looking at the food and thinking, "This sure isn't much." But after I ate the first three meals of the day, I found that I wasn't even hungry for the fourth or fifth one!! I was astonished. I was even more astonished at what happened when I got home after work. When I go home from work yesterday and I was absolutely beat. I said bye to the kids and to my wife as she was loading them into the car to take them to school. After I saw them back out of the driveway, I closed the kitchen door and stood there a moment. At this point in the story you have to understand the layout of my house. The door that leads to the garage is RIGHT next to the door that is the food pantry, that just figures.
Almost out of habit, I reached and opened the pantry door. I looked up and down, side to side and thought, "Geeze, some cereal really would be good right now." Okay, you now have to understand the cereal bowls that I USED to eat out of. They aren't the bowls that come with the dinnerware when you get married, no they were the mixing bowls that you got when you got married. That's right, these bowls hold 6 cups (I checked). I would fill it to the brim with cereal, just a little milk and all was good. My mouth began to salivate. Ya know, the funny thing was I was also thinking, "I'm not hungry." I was wanting to eat that just out of mere habit. Then I snapped back into reality, "HEY SLACKER, am I going to lost this weight or not?"
I closed the door and the for no apparent reason, I walked to the fridge opened the door and stood there staring inside. My mind started to wander back to the cereal. As sick as this sounds, I started thinking about how I could get the cereal out, fill up a bowl, use the least little bit of milk as possible and eat it until all of those little fruity rings were gone and of course, it was just this last time. I wouldn't be doing it again!! Then I thought about my wife finding the bowl. I began to plot how I could eat really fast before she had a chance to get back. I could wash the bowl and spoon, getting them back into the cabinets and SHE wouldn't be one for the wiser. I walked over to the cabinet, mighty proud of my little scheme, opened to door and went to reach for the bowl. Then I realized, who am I really fooling here? I was certainly not fooling my wife. I was caving in, I hadn't been on this thing over a day and I was caving in. I stood there with my hand in mid air, having a conversation with myself. If you can envision this, little fat red devil on the left shoulder and thin healthy halo ringing angel on the other, talking in my ears trying to convince me what to do. Well it wasn't quite that poetic, no my two little folks were in a cage match for the death, jumping from the high ropes all the way to my fingers. After realizing that the only person I was fooling here was myself, I quickly closed the door and headed for the egg whites. I have to tell ya, after my egg whites and grapefruit, I was pretty dang satisfied. No thought of a big heaping bowl of sugar and rice rings ever entered my mind again. Full and actually happy with myself, I climbed in the bed and got some much needed sleep.
As soon as I crawled out of the bed I thought about earlier. Then I thought, I'm headed for the scales this had better paid off. Well let me tell you folks, it certainly did!!! Check it out, my weight as of today is ..... 349.2. That's right everybody in the peanut gallery, another 4.4 pounds evaporated and annihilated!!! I AM UNDER 350 POUNDS. This is the first time in well over 3 years I have been under 350 pounds. At my count, that makes a total of 8.6 pounds GONE baby!!!
Whatever your vice might be, whether it be a Big Mac, a chocolate bar, a donut or a big freaking bowl of cereal, just think twice about it, is it really worth it? I will also ask you another question if you have begun this quest for a healthy life with me, if you have one of these moments like I did, are you going to listen to the healthy halo ringing angel or are you going to go with the fat little devil?
Sincerely yours (as I kick the fat little devils butt),
Badge 662
A Cop Without Donuts
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