Saturday, August 21, 2010

Been just a tad bit busy

Hello everybody, I've been just a bit busy at home.  Got quite a bit going on with sickness in the family, so I haven't posted for the past few days.  I can see it now, I'm not going to be able to keep up with Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, well you get the picture.  If you are so anal that you need to know what day it is for me, please by all means count them up!  I can also say, that I haven't weighed these past few days, so no update there, it's coming soon however.  As I promised I am getting a few "inspirational" pictures on here today, if I can figure out how!!

I have also FINALLY selected what program I am going to use.  I have been researching all of them and trust me, I am am about to go cross eyed from looking at all of them.  But here it is ladies and gentlemen, The Michael Thurmond's 6 week body makeover.  This program was suggested by a doctor, as well as my rocking awesome wife.  It's not JUST a 6 week body makeover, but a program that you can live with through your weight loss, as well as after all of it is gone.  Now I'm not getting a kick back or advertising here, but it is what I found that I think is going to work for me.  The program is based on your body type, not your age, height, weight, type of car you drive, IQ, favorite color or anything else like that.  I determined my body type and it gives me food choices that I can make.  The first two weeks (if I survive) I am going to be doing the "Rapid Results" menu and let me tell you the word MENU is used very lightly here!! LOL  For those of you that are doing this with me, and there are several of you, I am going to post what the "MENU" is.  I'm not going to keep posting this menu (you got to buy it just like I did), but I just want everybody to know what I'm going to be eating, just in case for some reason you go to talk to me and I should suddenly SNAP, just know it's not personal, it's a mental thing.

The program is based on a 6 meals a day and here we go ......

4 egg whites & 1 cup Greens (think collard, mustard, turnip) or 1/2 cup Grapefruit

Mid Morning Snack
4oz Turkey Breast & 1 cup Greens

4oz. Chicken Breast, 1 cup rice & 1 cup Mixed Vegetables

Mid Afternoon Snack
4oz. Fresh Tuna & 1 cup Greens

4oz Lean Turkey Breast & 1/2 cup Grapefruit

PM Snack - Optional (yea right, might as well say necessary LOL)
1/2 Grapefruit

And that's it.  Of course there will be copious amounts of water, as well as vitamins and there is an exercise program involved.  Sounds a little sparse doesn't it????  Well even if that is the case.  I AM DETERMINED TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT AND I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!!!  If I keep everything in check for these next two weeks, 25 to 30 pounds will go the way of the dodo.  Keep in mind if you are planning on using this menu, first see a psychiatrist, then know that this is for MY body type.  Your's might be different.  All I can say is, do something, anything to get yourself healthy.  And before you even THINK about putting that Krispy Kreme to your lips, remember ...  Is that donut really worth it??

Sincerely Yours,

Badge 662
A Cop Without Donuts

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