Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Temptation and Success ...

Well, it's been a couple of days for me.  Between working and sleeping, that's about all that I've been doing.  I do need to put down one little story of temptation and a story of success on here though, just to keep me remembering.

I started my new "menu" and I really have to tell you, if you decide to do this program and you are hungry, it's your fault.  When I was making my lunches I was looking at the food and thinking, "This sure isn't much."  But after I ate the first three meals of the day, I found that I wasn't even hungry for the fourth or fifth one!!  I was astonished.  I was even more astonished at what happened when I got home after work.  When I go home from work yesterday and I was absolutely beat.  I said bye to the kids and to my wife as she was loading them into the car to take them to school.  After I saw them back out of the driveway, I closed the kitchen door and stood there a moment.  At this point in the story you have to understand the layout of my house.  The door that leads to the garage is RIGHT next to the door that is the food pantry, that just figures.  

Almost out of habit, I reached and opened the pantry door.  I looked up and down, side to side and thought, "Geeze, some cereal really would be good right now."  Okay, you now have to understand the cereal bowls that I USED to eat out of.  They aren't the bowls that come with the dinnerware when you get married, no they were the mixing bowls that you got when you got married.  That's right, these bowls hold 6 cups (I checked).  I would fill it to the brim with cereal, just a little milk and all was good.  My mouth began to salivate.  Ya know, the funny thing was I was also thinking, "I'm not hungry."  I was wanting to eat that just out of mere habit.  Then I snapped back into reality, "HEY SLACKER, am I going to lost this weight or not?"  

I closed the door and the for no apparent reason, I walked to the fridge opened the door and stood there staring inside.  My mind started to wander back to the cereal.  As sick as this sounds, I started thinking about how I could get the cereal out, fill up a bowl, use the least little bit of milk as possible and eat it until all of those little fruity rings were gone and of course, it was just this last time.  I wouldn't be doing it again!!  Then I thought about my wife finding the bowl.  I began to plot how I could eat really fast before she had a chance to get back.  I could wash the bowl and spoon, getting them back into the cabinets and SHE wouldn't be one for the wiser.  I walked over to the cabinet, mighty proud of my little scheme, opened to door and went to reach for the bowl.  Then I realized, who am I really fooling here?  I was certainly not fooling my wife.  I was caving in, I hadn't been on this thing over a day and I was caving in.  I stood there with my hand in mid air, having a conversation with myself.  If you can envision this, little fat red devil on the left shoulder and thin healthy halo ringing angel on the other, talking in my ears trying to convince me what to do.  Well it wasn't quite that poetic, no my two little folks were in a cage match for the death, jumping from the high ropes all the way to my fingers.  After realizing that the only person I was fooling here was myself, I quickly closed the door and headed for the egg whites.  I have to tell ya, after my egg whites and grapefruit, I was pretty dang satisfied.  No thought of a big heaping bowl of sugar and rice rings ever entered my mind again.  Full and actually happy with myself, I climbed in the bed and got some much needed sleep.

As soon as I crawled out of the bed I thought about earlier.  Then I thought, I'm headed for the scales this had better paid off.  Well let me tell you folks, it certainly did!!!   Check it out, my weight as of today is ..... 349.2.  That's right everybody in the peanut gallery, another 4.4 pounds evaporated and annihilated!!!  I AM UNDER 350 POUNDS.  This is the first time in well over 3 years I have been under 350 pounds.  At my count, that makes a total of 8.6 pounds GONE baby!!!  

Whatever your vice might be, whether it be a Big Mac, a chocolate bar, a donut or a big freaking bowl of cereal, just think twice about it, is it really worth it?   I will also ask you another question if you have begun this quest for a healthy life with me, if you have one of these moments like I did, are you going to listen to the healthy halo ringing angel or are you going to go with the fat little devil?

Sincerely yours (as I kick the fat little devils butt),

Badge 662
A Cop Without Donuts


Food that went to work and never made it home!

Mid morning snack in the middle, lunch on the left and mid afternoon snack on the right.  Yummy

Breakfast of Egg Whites and Greens

Monday, August 23, 2010

Polka Dotted Boxers ...

Tonight at work has not been particularly busy, it's about an average night.  When we hit a bit of a slow down time, I decided to stop by at a QuickTrip to take a much needed bathroom break.  Did I mention that I was drinking A LOT of water??  I backed my car in as I always do, put it in park and went to get out.  Then it happened.  That's right you guessed it, a rip where the sun don't shine.  All I could think was, "What boxers did I put on today, is it the ones with the polka dots or the ones that are black?"   The thing is, if I was wearing the black ones, no harm no foul and nobody would really notice.   I have to ask you, is life ever really that simple?  No, I was wearing my polka dotted boxers.  The ones that would really stand out against the black.  You know, my mother always told me to wear clean underwear in case I get in a wreck so that if they have to cut them off of you they're clean, but she never mentioned to make sure they are always dark colored in case you have a "blowout" for the whole world to see.

So there I sat in the parking lot trying to make several life decisions.  Did I want to risk anybody seeing me with my polka dots in the back or would it be more embarrassing to look like I dumped a pitcher of something  in my lap??  I decided on taking the risk with the boxers.  I sat there for a minute waiting for the majority of the folks to leave, then they did and I took my shot.  The clerk was outside talking to somebody, so I walked by and backed in the door while telling them "Oh yea it's been busy tonight."  After I was in the store, a quick check and nobody was in sight.  I  bolted over to the bathroom and took care of business.  When I came back out, with no one still around I safely made it back into the confines of my car.

Then I started thinking, "What now?"  As I tell all of my rookies when I train them, keep a spare uniform in the car in case of emergencies.  By this I mean, you get dirty, get soaked in a rain storm or pretty much anything that would require you to get cleaned up, never did I think it would apply to this situation.  Knowing that I kept my own advice, I headed to the precinct.  I got out of the car and popped the trunk, where I found my spare uniform in the bag.  Then a quick realization came to mind, the uniform had been in my car for about 3 years.  I pulled them out and checked the size, 48.  Dang, that's big.  I had no clue what size I was wearing, so in the door I went.  I ditched the blown out pants and put on the spare set.  There is only one thing that came to mind when I looked in the mirror at the pants I had just put on, skin tight.  Have you ever seen somebody and thought, "How in the name of all things good did they ever get those pants on?"  That's how tight I'm talking about.  Needless to say, I got everything back on.  The remainder of the night I was overly cautious about getting out of the car and making sure I don't drop anything.  Because let me tell you, bending over wasn't really an option.  Donuts did this to me, I swear.

I'm sure that you didn't log on here for me to tell you about my boxers, but like I said, this is something to keep me on track.  Reading that over to myself reminds me that I have got to get off this weight.  Okay, so I didn't start today as planned, but you have to understand.  Today was my 13th wedding anniversary.  Even though we had a date night with just the two of us on Friday, we still went out to eat with the kids.  Knowing this, I decided that Monday would be the day I start after I get up from sleeping.   Yea, yea I know what some of you are going to e-mail me, "That's an excuse" or "Why do you keep putting it off?"  Well that's not it at all, I just wanted one more day before I start this thing, because let me tell ya once I start this there is no turning back and certainly no eating out.  You would know this if you read what my "MENU" is going to be

Oh well, at least I can say this, I got up and weighed in after I slept and I am very happy to report, my current weight is (drum roll please) 353.6!!  For those of you that are keeping track, that is a total of 4.2 pounds that have evaporated.  Like I said before, it's got to be all this water I'm drinking.  However, my wife made a very good point, since I started this I have been eating less.  Not really eating any healthier, just less.  Maybe that's what made the difference.

After this night of dodging QT clerks and blown out britches, it's time to do this thing.  Look for my next post to be along the lines of how the eating is going.  All I can say is, there sure are a lot of greens on that menu.  I think that it will do two things.  One is that it's healthy to eat the greens and the other is that it's going to clean me out, no fiber drinks needed (I think you get the idea).  But in the end, the one thing that is NOT on there is that word that I have come to make sure that I avoid, donuts.


Badge 662
A Cop Without Donuts

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Been just a tad bit busy

Hello everybody, I've been just a bit busy at home.  Got quite a bit going on with sickness in the family, so I haven't posted for the past few days.  I can see it now, I'm not going to be able to keep up with Day 1, Day 2, Day 3, well you get the picture.  If you are so anal that you need to know what day it is for me, please by all means count them up!  I can also say, that I haven't weighed these past few days, so no update there, it's coming soon however.  As I promised I am getting a few "inspirational" pictures on here today, if I can figure out how!!

I have also FINALLY selected what program I am going to use.  I have been researching all of them and trust me, I am am about to go cross eyed from looking at all of them.  But here it is ladies and gentlemen, The Michael Thurmond's 6 week body makeover.  This program was suggested by a doctor, as well as my rocking awesome wife.  It's not JUST a 6 week body makeover, but a program that you can live with through your weight loss, as well as after all of it is gone.  Now I'm not getting a kick back or advertising here, but it is what I found that I think is going to work for me.  The program is based on your body type, not your age, height, weight, type of car you drive, IQ, favorite color or anything else like that.  I determined my body type and it gives me food choices that I can make.  The first two weeks (if I survive) I am going to be doing the "Rapid Results" menu and let me tell you the word MENU is used very lightly here!! LOL  For those of you that are doing this with me, and there are several of you, I am going to post what the "MENU" is.  I'm not going to keep posting this menu (you got to buy it just like I did), but I just want everybody to know what I'm going to be eating, just in case for some reason you go to talk to me and I should suddenly SNAP, just know it's not personal, it's a mental thing.

The program is based on a 6 meals a day and here we go ......

4 egg whites & 1 cup Greens (think collard, mustard, turnip) or 1/2 cup Grapefruit

Mid Morning Snack
4oz Turkey Breast & 1 cup Greens

4oz. Chicken Breast, 1 cup rice & 1 cup Mixed Vegetables

Mid Afternoon Snack
4oz. Fresh Tuna & 1 cup Greens

4oz Lean Turkey Breast & 1/2 cup Grapefruit

PM Snack - Optional (yea right, might as well say necessary LOL)
1/2 Grapefruit

And that's it.  Of course there will be copious amounts of water, as well as vitamins and there is an exercise program involved.  Sounds a little sparse doesn't it????  Well even if that is the case.  I AM DETERMINED TO LOSE THIS WEIGHT AND I AM GOING TO LOSE IT!!!  If I keep everything in check for these next two weeks, 25 to 30 pounds will go the way of the dodo.  Keep in mind if you are planning on using this menu, first see a psychiatrist, then know that this is for MY body type.  Your's might be different.  All I can say is, do something, anything to get yourself healthy.  And before you even THINK about putting that Krispy Kreme to your lips, remember ...  Is that donut really worth it??

Sincerely Yours,

Badge 662
A Cop Without Donuts

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well I must be doing something right ... right?

Well here it is day 3 and magically I have lost again.  I think it must be a complete state of mind or something, because I haven't really been doing much different.  I'm still researching and trying to figure out what exactly I'm going to do, but all I can think is this MASSIVE amount of water I've been drinking is working.

Day 3 and my current weight is 355.8, DOWN another 1.2 pounds!!!!!  Got a lot going on at home today, so no real clever posts.  I was trying to get some pictures on here today, but it might have to wait until tomorrow.  We'll see.  Thanks again to everybody reading.

A Cop Without Donuts

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Day 2!

All I can say is WOW.  It's still a little hard to believe at the number of e-mails on my personal account and my Facebook account that came after I posted the comments yesterday.  I found out that I'm not the only one trying to pass off the "I'm dieting" thing.  Well all of you that are now telling me that you are going to follow this post and do it with me, LET'S GET ON WITH IT ALREADY!!!   I will be e-mailing each of you back when I get the chance.

Well, I really don't have anything new or clever to say today.  It's been a long night.  We went out for my mother in law's birthday dinner last night and then came home with full bellies and sleepy eyes.  Unfortunately, one of my wife's  family members is having a really rough time with a sickness that is taking over their mind.  Most of the night last night my better half and I were up, either on the phone or driving over to their house.  No time for diet today, but I weighed anyways!!

Day 2 and my current weight as of 1:28 p.m. is 357.0 pounds.  I am DOWN .8 pounds!!  Must be all the water I have been drinking, it sure isn't the fact that I have started a plan of any kind (Golden Corral last night didn't help)!! LOL

Got to keep it rolling and can't give it up.  Pictures posting tomorrow.

A Cop Without Donuts

PS. I have altered the settings to where anyone can leave a message or a comment.  Didn't know that I had that blocked yesterday.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Well let's give it a shot, shall we?

A Cop Without Donuts, now there's something you don't see every day.

Hiya, for the purpose of this blog, I'm gonna call myself Badge662.  The reason that I started this thing was that I need some accountability.  See, I'm a police officer and have been for almost 15 years.  Thing is, when I got married (13 years ago), well let's say that I was in decent shape.  Over the course of the last 10 of those years, well not so much.  I've been a detective for several years and about 3 years ago I came back out to be a road cop.

Thing is, I thought I was okay.  I didn't really think that I was THAT overweight, until just a few months ago.  I happed to see myself on a television broadcast where I was working a traffic accident and whoa buddy, let me tell you the first thing that came to my mind was, "Oh my God, who let that big 'ole fat guy wear that police uniform!!"  Then something else happened that same night, my 4 year old daughter came running over to me and pushed down on my stomach.  She then said, "Wow daddy, that's squishy and fluffy."   That's when I knew something's got to give.

Well I started "dieting" with my wife.  She would fix me lunches and then I would either not eat them at all and/or hit the drive through while I was at work.  So needless to say, haven't lost a pound.  If anything I've gained a few.  Sure I told folks that I was on a diet, I was only kidding myself.  A few weeks ago I came across several people that had had the new weight loss surgeries, either the bypass or the band.  I ordered the information and looked it over.  I really thought about it and even made a doctor's appointment, then I canceled it two days later.

I began to tell everybody that I was going to do the weight loss surgery thing.  Not that I thought that anybody really cared, but it sure made me feel good to think that I was at least giving the impression that I was doing something about it.  What a joke.  Tonight after working an all nighter, I realized that it was time to stop passing off this weight loss thing to other folks as something that I am going to do.  It's time that I actually do something about it.

So that's why I started this blog.  Not that anybody out there cares about some cop thats out there that needs to lose weight.  We see them everyday right?  Out in the donut shops or at the gas stations, stuffing down potato chips or DONUTS.  I have been that guy for way too long, I'm NOT going to be that guy any more.  I didn't start this thing to have everybody give me a pat on the back either, I started this because I needed somewhere that I could put down my thoughts and read them back over to myself to keep me accountable.

So here it is, day 1.  My weight today, as of 6:10 am is 357.8 pounds.  I'll come back daily and update my weight, as much as I can remember to.  I will post a few pics on here too so that everybody can see what I'm starting with and so that I'm reminded every time I log on what I DO NOT want to be.  I will also put down what I'm doing to lose it, haven't even thought of that yet, but getting cut is not really an option.

All I'm asking for you folks that might read this if you are in the same boat I am, think about your wife or husband.  Think about your kids.  Think about your life.  Is that donut really worth it?

Yours truly,

A Cop Without Donuts